Se odločate za nakup novega tiskalnika? Kupite HP! (v članku preberite zakaj)
Članek je v angleščini in je povzetek kaj si HP misli o obnavljanju kartuš. Kar je najpomembnejše - temu ne nasprotuje! Zato je večina HP-jevih kartuš lažje obnovljiva in je zato postopek cenejši. Zato če se odločate za nakup novega tiskalnika se odločite za HP! Brez dvoma! Nihče vam ne bo težil, da ne morete uveljaviti garancije, ker ne kupujete originalnih kartuš ali kakšno podobno sranje!
HP Toner Cartridge Recycling Program
HP LaserJet toner Cartridges are one reason the HP LaserJet printer family has earned a reputation for unbeatable quality and reliability. This system uses an all-in-one cartridge designed to ensure trouble free performance. And with the popularity of HP LaserJet printers continues to grow, so does HP''''s concern for the environment.
That''''s'''' why HP developed an alternative to cartridge disposal. The HP Toner Cartridge Recycling Program gives HP LaserJet customers a way to produce crisp, professional-looking documents without adding to the plastic waste entering our landfills.
Under the terms of the program, empty cartridges can be returned, at no charge to you, from anywhere in the U.S. including Alaska and Hawaii. Once returned, the cartridge box and packing materials are separated and recycled. The cartridges are then bulk shipped to a manufacturing facility where they are completely disassembled. some minor parts are carefully cleaned, inspected, and reused in the remanufacture of new toner cartridges. Other parts are melted for reuse as raw material. For each cartridge returned, a one-dollar donation is divided between the Nature Conservancy and the National Wildlife Federation.
To return empty toner cartridges for recycling, simply repackage the empty cartridge into the bag and shipping box that your new cartridge came in. Seal the box with tape and cross out all old labels. If you are returning a cartridge from anywhere in the continental US, affix the prepaid UPS label found in the Installation and Recycling Instruction guide that comes inside each toner cartridge box, and give the box to any UPS delivery driver picking up or delivering other packages.
Alaska and Hawaii residents must order a pre-paid U.S. Postal Service label by calling HP at 1-800-LASERJET (1-800-527-3753). Affix this label to the box and give the box to your mail carrier.
For customers in the continental U.S. who collect more than four cartridges per month, HP recommends shipping cartridges in volume to make shipping more efficient. For a volume return simply:
Prepare each cartridge as you would for a single cartridge return (above).
Collect several individual boxes in a larger carton that meets the following U.P.S. criteria:
Total length & Girth: 130 inches maximum (L x 2W x 2H)
Length : 108 inches maximum
Weight: 70 pounds maximum
Eight to ten cartridges per carton are recommended.
Seal the carton with tape and cross out all old labels.
Affix one of the pre-paid U.P.S. labels provided.
Place the prepared carton in your receiving area for pickup by U.P.S. during their next visit.
For information on similar programs in other countries, please refer to the Installation and Recycling Instruction Guide located inside each toner cartridge box.
The Hewlett-Packard Policy on Refilled Toner Cartridges
Hewlett-Packard Company is committed to providing its customers with high-quality, reliable products. The reputation of HP LaserJet printers certainly exemplifies this commitment. Since the introduction of the original HP LaserJet printer in 1984, HP LaserJet printers continue to set new industry standards in quality desktop printing.
Because quality is so important to our customers, HP has dedicated engineers who are responsible for ensuring that all parts of each HP LaserJet printer model, including engine, toner cartridge, and typefaces, work together to produce the highest print quality possible. Compatibility between the toner formulas and internal toner cartridge components is also very important. Each toner cartridge model is designed to attract and transfer just the right amount of toner to achieve optimal print quality on its respective HP LaserJet printer(s).
Why doesn''''t HP recommend the use of refilled toner cartridges?
HP LaserJet toner cartridges undergo rigorous pre-market testing by Hewlett-Packard engineers to ensure their unsurpassed print quality performance. These tests measure aspects such as background scatter (toner where there should be none), the consistency of black, sharpness, and the fusion of toner to the page, for a wide variety of printing needs including fine print, graphics, barcodes, and different types of media.
While Hewlett-Packard does not prohibit the use of refilled cartridges, HP cannot recommend their use since they are not HP products and thus, HP cannot control or influence their print quality. Because the high print quality performance of HP LaserJet printers is a primary reason for their success, Hewlett-Packard is keenly interested in maintaining that print quality performance.
How does the use of refilled cartridges affect my warranty?
The entire family of HP LaserJet printers is covered under a standard one-year warranty from the date of purchase. Hewlett-Packard offers optional maintenance contracts after one-year warranty expires. The use of refilled toner cartridges does not affect either the warranty or any maintenance contract purchased from HP. However, if an HP LaserJet printer failure or printer damage is found to be directly attributed to the use of a refilled cartridge (or any other non-HP supply or accessory) the repair will not be covered under the warranty or maintenance contract. Rather, standard time and material charges will be applied to service the printer.
What is HP doing to reduce the Impact of HP LaserJet toner cartridges on the environment?
The HP Toner Cartridge Recycling Program gives customers the ability to produce high quality documents without adding to landfill waste. Cartridges are easily returned via U.P.S. return label (continental U.S. label only) are included each HP LaserJet toner cartridge box. Returns are FREE OF CHARGE to the customer and for each cartridge returned a $1 donation is divided between two national environmental agencies: The Nature Conservancy and National Wildlife Federation.
HP LaserJet toner cartridges are also now packaged in brown, unbleached boxes that are better for the environment.